Official TechSpecs SDK for PHP ➝

Introducing TechSpecs PHP

This PHP SDK provides programmatic access to the standardized technical specifications of over 60,000 consumer electronics products, including the latest smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, laptops, and more.


  • PHP 7.4+
  • Composer


composer require techspecs/techspecs-php


The library needs to be configured with your account's api key and base which is
available in your TechSpecs Dashboard.

Set $techSpecsKey to your key value and $techSpecsBase to your base value.

Basic Search

Search for a device by specifying it's model name, version number or features

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Importing the SDK class
use TechSpecsSDK\TechSpecsSDK;

// TechSpecs API Key
$techSpecsKey = 'techspecs_api_key';

// TechSpecs base{techspecs_base}
$techSpecsBase = 'a8TD3mkN49fhg2y';

// Instantiate the Library
$techSpecs = new TechSpecsSDK($techSpecsBase, $techSpecsKey);

// product name or version number to search
$keyword = 'iPhone 13';

// product category to search
$category = ['all'];

// choose between "pretty" or "raw" mode for viewing response
$response = $techSpecs->search($keyword, $category, 'pretty');

// print the search results

Advanced Search

List all products by brand, category and release date

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Importing the SDK class
use TechSpecsSDK\TechSpecsSDK;

// TechSpecs API Key
$techSpecsKey = 'techspecs_api_key';

// TechSpecs base{techspecs_base}
$techSpecsBase = 'a8TD3mkN49fhg2y';

// Instantiate the Library
$techSpecs = new TechSpecsSDK($techSpecsBase, $techSpecsKey);

// enter the page number to fetch results from
$page = 1;

 * Type in the name of the brand you're looking for
 * or leave this field empty to see results from all brands
$brand = ['Apple'];

 * Type in the name of the category you're looking for
 * or leave this field empty to see results from all categories
$category = ['smartphone'];

 * Please provide a date range to narrow your search.
 * Leave this field empty to fetch all results from all dates
$dateFrom = '2010-01-01'; // YYYY-MM-DD
$dateTo = '2022-03-15'; // YYYY-MM-DD

// Choose between "pretty" or "raw" mode for viewing response
$response = $techSpecs->products(

// Print the search results

Product Details

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Importing the SDK class
use TechSpecsSDK\TechSpecsSDK;

// TechSpecs API Key
$techSpecsKey = 'techspecs_api_key';

// TechSpecs base{techspecs_base}
$techSpecsBase = 'a8TD3mkN49fhg2y';

// Instantiate the Library
$techSpecs = new TechSpecsSDK($techSpecsBase, $techSpecsKey);

// TechSpecs product id
$techspecsId = '6186b047987cda5f88311983';

// choose between "pretty" or "raw" mode for viewing response
$response = $techSpecs->productDetail($techspecsId, 'pretty');

// print the specifications of the product

List all brands

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Importing the SDK class
use TechSpecsSDK\TechSpecsSDK;

// TechSpecs API Key
$techSpecsKey = 'techspecs_api_key';

// TechSpecs base{techspecs_base}
$techSpecsBase = 'a8TD3mkN49fhg2y';

// Instantiate the Library
$techSpecs = new TechSpecsSDK($techSpecsBase, $techSpecsKey);

// choose between "pretty" or "raw" mode for viewing response
$response = $techSpecs->brands('pretty');

// print the search results

List all categories

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Importing the SDK class
use TechSpecsSDK\TechSpecsSDK;

// TechSpecs API Key
$techSpecsKey = 'techspecs_api_key';

// TechSpecs base{techspecs_base}
$techSpecsBase = 'a8TD3mkN49fhg2y';
// Instantiate the Library
$techSpecs = new TechSpecsSDK($techSpecsBase, $techSpecsKey);

// choose between "pretty" or "raw" mode for viewing response
$response = $techSpecs->categories('pretty');

// print the list of all categories